Friday, January 7, 2011

Magic Wand

...I was on a quest to find a magic wand, I asked my friends and my family to see if they had seen one or if anyone had one for me to borrow. I was on a massive hunt for one so I decided to post it on facebook as well, however no one had a clue as to what I was talking about. No one had one and no one knew where I could find one. Someone suggested Harry Potter but there was no way for me to get a hold of him. "Mary Poppins," my friend said but she was no where to be found.

For the past week I had been trying to finish a project I had yet to start. Due to the fear of the tedious project I had been postponing it until today. I found no magic wand, no Harry Potter, and no Marry Poppins. I was to tackle the project on my own! As I searched the house for something to help me, I could only find a broom. There was nothing special about the broom, no magic, it was just there staring at me as if it didn't want to tackle the job that was ahead of us.

Finally, I grabbed the broom, slowly and quietly I walked towards the back yard trying not to make a sound so that my shed would open the doors and I could attack the mess that was inside. As I opened the doors the mess stood still, frozen, scared of what was in store for it. "Oh my!" was my first thought, "what am I getting myself into?" I attacked the mess with no remorse, I felt no pity! One thing after another came flying out the shed, a pile for wanted goods and another for the unwanted. I'm sure the mess was terrified, but not as much as I was.

Three and-a-half hours later, I had finished with the so unwanted project. I'm sure my mess cried to see some of it part, but I can honestly tell you that I don't regret doing any of it. I accomplished it, that's all I can say, my shed now stands in the corner with a happy smile.

Until next time!


  1. Funny Lillian, I like it! Have you seen my blogs
    Dinky"s Hum Drum Journal@ (Family blog) and or Bridget's Blog@ (Devotions)? I just started blogging more this year.I'm having fun.

  2. Thanks Bridget! I love making up stories as well as writing poetry. I'll have to share some poems with you sometime soon.
